Many times balloon releases can be stopped with a simple phone call or email. We strongly encourage individuals to contact organizers personally- concerned citizens’ voices are often better received and acted upon. Kindly offer alternative ideas, such as planting trees, gardens or blowing bubbles, or refer them to our website or facebook page.
To make it easier to educate, print out or send links to our fact sheets, info pics, or photo gallery. We also have many articles and resources on The Ugly Truth.
If a balloon release is organized in a state that has a law prohibiting mass releases, let the organizer know of the law, or call local law enforcement.
If you are unsuccessful or uncomfortable contacting the organizers personally, fill out this quick form and we’ll send them an e-mail. Providing us with as much contact information as possible is very helpful.
***PLEASE try to stop the balloon release yourself before contacting us. We receive so many reports, we cannot keep up with them all. Click here for a guide on How to Stop a Balloon Release.***